The Banner Saga Warbands (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.49
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 5.58
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition “Landsman” Pledge Level of The Banner Saga Warbands Board Game. Includes core game, 30 “standard” minis, 10 alternate internal event cards, 20 supply crate minis (KS Exclusive) 10 Tent Minis (KS Exclusive), 3 Favor Tokens & 2 Banners (KS Exclusive), 10 Internal Events & 2 Camp Events (KS Exclusive), Warband Miniature (KS Exclusive). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Banner Saga: Warbands is a cooperative game for 1-4 players. Players take up the role of the leaders in a warband tasked with keeping the warband together and alive. It is a cooperative, miniatures board game that deals with the difficulties and consequences of decision making.
There are four roles in the warband: Quartermaster, Keeper of Names, Warmaster, and Thane. Each role must aggressively push for resolutions that help out themselves, while being open to compromise for the good of the warband. It is this conflict and compromise that is the heart of Warbands.
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