Darklight: Memento Mori Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.99
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition Bundle (including all stretch goals) of Darklight: Memento Mori Board Game. Includes core game, Exploration Pack Supplement, Adventurers Pack Supplement, Boss Pack Supplement, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
😈 Core game,
😈 Exploration Pack Supplement,
😈 Adventurers Pack Supplement,
😈 Boss Pack Supplement, plus
😈 All met stretch goals
Darklight is an old-school dungeon crawler with modern components and challenging gameplay. The game includes over 70 plastic miniatures and 20+ modular dungeon tiles, allowing for endless possibilities of adventures. Our inspiration comes from the great titles of this genre such as Diablo, Warhammer Quest and Dark Souls, as well as the writings of Dante Alighieri.
Key Features:
- Cooperative play for 1 up to 4 players. Adjustable difficulty depending on the number of Heroes in play.
- Randomly generated dungeons with 36 unique quests.
- Play single adventures with the Basic Rules or extend your experience by travelling to settlements with the Advanced Rules.
- Find, craft, customise and equip hundreds of different items.
- Robust and flexible levelling-up system with over 20 Skill Cards per character, allowing your Hero to become unique.”
- With the help of optional narrative found on events and items, create and share incredible stories through the rich, mysterious lore of this dark-gothic world.
By backing the AWOKEN Reward or the above pledges, you will receive the following box and its contents. Please be aware the items are likely to change as the game’s design is finalized.
When the funding goal is met the core box will be produced and sent to you. If you have pledged using the ACCURSED reward each of the following Stretch Goals will be sent to you at no extra cost, once its target is met. So make sure you spread the word if you want your own pledge to increase in value!
We believe in quality over quantity so instead of planning for more stretch goals than you can count, our focus will be to provide you with a rich and polished core experience first. The money raised after the stretch goals will give us the means to increase the overall quality of the core game.
The miniatures will be cast in plastic and be pre-assembled from highly detailed 3D printed sculptures, Our goal is to make sure these are as spectacular as possible like the following resin casts. We will be working very closely with the manufacturer to make sure their design is preserved,
We have prepared a draft of the Basic Rules which allows you to better understand how the game is played. It is important to keep in mind this is not final and will be rewritten by an experienced writer once the project is funded.
You can find a draft of the manual here or click on the image below: Manual Draftplease contact us at The Game Steward.
please contact us at The Game Steward.
Gameplay video
The following video will demonstrate a genuine experience of Darklight played by people who have never done so before.
Please read through the DISCLAIMER at the start of the video as it will highlight important aspects about it, such as the fact that this is a hand-made prototype and does not represent final quality, as well having cardboard tokens to represent most miniatures.
In Darklight: Memento Mori there is much more to the experience than just dungeon combat and exploration. If you choose to play with the Advanced Rules you will also take treacherous journeys across hazardous lands, each giving you are series of choices and challenges which must be overcome.
ADVANCED RULES: Click for a little taste of the advanced rules.
If you manage to survive the harsh travelling conditions and find yourself in a Settlement, you can take some time to rest, recover and replenish your strength. But be warned, you will have to stay one step ahead of the Angel of Death and deal with the locals, who can either play nice or make your life very difficult, depending on who you’re dealing with. Build a reputation for yourself to reduce the cost of living and shop items, as well as all the other perks that go along with being a local legend. Each day you will be able to visit a variety of locations, including some extra ‘Special’ ones which are home to unique characters such as the Blacksmith. You can also prepare for exploration by salvaging and customising items, or take part in events such as the legendary Jousting tournaments. Each location you visit has its own unique set of unexpected events which you can choose to react to in positive or negative ways. When an orphan begs you for food and souls will you give up your precious resources, or selfishly ignore their pleas?
In conclusion, the game is divided into three different parts; Dungeons, Travelling and Settlements. These provide players with a rich and varied experience, keeping things fresh with each playing experience. The extra features allows you to build upon you character and gives the Hero –and you- the opportunity to be more invested in the world.
A few more updates which explains a bit more of the possibilities of each class skill progression:
Black Knight
Blood Witch
Darklight: Memento Mori brings old-school dungeon crawler action with original dark-gothic settings and deep strategic combat.
Four Accursed (the players) bound together by a twist of fate, must fight their way though randomly generated dungeons to find lost treasure and acquire the souls of those they slay to extend their own life and use it as currency to survive in a world left in ruins by the coming of demons.
Each player will take on the role of one of the four dark heroes which must survive and find their way to the Quest Room in order to complete a specific objective and win their current mission. Many things will try to stop them from terrifying and grotesque monsters to unexpected traps or events lurking secretly in the dungeons.
For those wishing to expand their playing experience, the game continues through hazardous journeys where the Accursed must resolve player driven decisions which can prove fatal when the wrong choice is made. If they were to survive the journey, they would find a settlement where they can gather their strength, buy new equipment or participate in the many activities available such as jousting while building their own reputation to improve their standing with the locals.
Darklight: Memento Mori is a living experience within a dark, mysterious world full of deception and secrets.
–From the publisher
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