Awkward Guests Well Informed Investigator Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.37
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.83
Players: 2 to 8
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition “Well Informed Investigator” Pledge of Awkward Guests by Megacorpin Games. Includes core game, “Awkward Secrets” supplement book, and all applicable stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Awkward Guests / IncÓmodos Invitados is a one of a kind deduction game with infinite re-playability. Based on the innovative Brilliant Deck System!
Itcan recreate Mr. Walton’s murder in so many different ways that you won’t ever play two similar games!
Its engagingBrilliant Deck Systemwill actively involve you in the investigations, allowing you to usegenuine detective abilitiesto solve each case.
To solve a mystery, you will have to interrogate the suspects, question the household staff, examine the crime scene, search for clues around the Walton Mansion, consult the police reports… You will do all of this while exchanging information with your opponents or hiding it from them.
Get ready to use all yourgumshoe skills!
WHO killed Mr. Walton?
HOW did the murderer end his life?
WHY did the murderer killed him?
Was there an ACCOMPLICE?
Will you be the first to solve the mystery?
Awkward Guests / IncÓmodos Invitados base game mechanic is quite simple. Players have a hand of 6 cards. Each card has a value (1, 2 or 3 points, according to the amount of information that it provides) and several references (the matters that the card information is about). During his turn, each player ask for information about two different references he is interested in. The rest of the players can offer him cards which contains the requested references. The asking player can trade those cards by giving the offering players the same amount of points they have offered, with cards of his hand and no reference restriction.
After every round is completed, players can try to solve the mystery. If the mystery is not solved, players discard part of their hands and receive 3 new cards. The player or players who solve the mystery first, win.
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