Endangered A Game of Survival: Conservationist Pledge (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.65
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.80
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Endangered Board Game by Grand Gamers Guild. Includes core game, KS Exclusive custom dice, and all applicable stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The march of human progress threatens the survival of many vulnerable species. Work together as conservationists trying to save just one species from extinction. It will take everything you’ve got to stay ahead of environmental collapse and a variety of other dangers, while also enacting plans to win your species a chance at long-term survival. It’s a tricky balancing act that brings to life the complex challenges that conservationists face in trying to protect our vulnerable friends!
Endangered is a cooperative game. This means that all of the players are working together to try and defeat the challenges the game throws at you. Though you all have different roles with unique advantages, you will all either win the game together, or lose the game together. The game is not easy to win, but losing is a lesson! Come back stronger the next time with a different plan, better communication, and tighter teamwork!
Endangered is also a modular game system. The base game includes the Tiger and Sea Otter modules; you’ll play with the environment, cards, hazards, and special rules that apply to your chosen species. We also have a number of other modules planned for a variety of threatened species. Each module tells a different story, offers unique challenges, and helps players understand the difficulties facing these animals and the conservationists determined to help them. With your help we will be able to make many modules a reality!
The Kickstarter edition comes with these extra-gorgeous custom-screened dice, featuring the role symbols in place of the 6! Three of each, so fifteen custom dice total! The Kickstarter edition will also be notable for the shiny Spot UV finish on selected areas of the box top which will make it POP off your game shelf!
We’ve teamed up with the Center for Biological Diversity, a national environmental group with an amazing staff of lawyers, scientists and organizers who fight every day for endangered wildlife and their homes. Through our alliance, every game played will advance the Center’s mission and help increase awareness about the vital need for action now to save the wild.
Post-Kickstarter, the Center will consult with us on the game’s content to ensure that we are accurately reflecting the conservation community. They will also help us reach a population of enthusiastic animal lovers who might otherwise have never heard of Endangered.
We will be supporting them during the campaign with a special pledge level. If you choose that level, we will gift the Center one copy of Endangered as part of your pledge. They will distribute those copies through their educational initiatives!
As well, in the post-campaign pledge manager we will donate all of the funds from the “Tip Jar” to the Center, and we will support them with a portion of proceeds from non-Kickstarter sales. (Kickstarter’s terms expressly forbid the direct donation of campaign funds.) please contact us at The Game Steward.
Endangered is played in turns. On your turn, you go through 5 phases:
Roll your dice and then place them onto the Action spots, triggering a number of useful abilities. Stuff like moving animals around, managing the destruction of the environment, trying to influence ambassadors, preparing for Impacts, and playing cards from your hand. As the game goes on, you will be adding Actions to the play area which will develop your team’s capabilities. Work together to form the best skill set!
Hopefully your species will breed! Each species has different rules for generating offspring, but in general you will want to encourage the forming of mating pairs so that your chances of increasing the population go up!
Unavoidably, the environment will degrade. For Tigers it is deforestation; for Sea Otters it is Oil Spills. Here you’ll carry out the relentless spread of destruction, which eliminates any animals it comes into contact with. Keep them out of harm’s way!
The Impact deck for each species comes with an unpredictable set of Impacts. Some are positive, but most are a real threat. Clearcutting, Poachers, Sharks, Fragmentation, and Government Upheaval are just a few of the potential disasters you might encounter. Reveal the next one from the deck and carry it out!
Draw a new card into your hand and pass play to the next player. If everyone has acted, the Year is over and the next Year begins. If it was a voting year, check the ambassadors to see if you have earned 4 or more yes votes!
You all win the game together only if you can get 4 or more Yes votes from your ambassadors in one of your two voting years. If your team fails to do that, or if your animal population vanishes, or if the environment becomes too devastated, you all lose the game!
The march of humankind’s progress threatens the survival of many species. It’s up to you and your team to save them!
Work with your fellow conservationists to save tigers and sea otters from extinction. Influence the UN to save the animals and stop environmental destruction. If four UN ambassadors vote yes on the resolution then the players win. But until the vote takes place, players need to keep the destruction at bay, and keep the animals alive!
Each turn players will roll the dice they can allocate to action cards. After actions are taken, mating pairs will have a chance to procreate, and destruction tiles will enter the board, possibly killing already scarce animals.
Play as the Zoologist, Philanthropist, TV Wildlife Host, Lobbyist, or Environmental Lawyer, each with a special ability.
Time is short. Can the animals be saved while also influencing the Ambassadors, votes? Or will threatened animals be lost forever?
We’re glad to back campaigns to bring you games like Endangered A Game of Survival: Conservationist Pledge Kickstarter Game to buy online at TheGameSteward. We will use a hefty percentage of every dollar you spend on Endangered A Game of Survival: Conservationist Pledge towards backing fantastic new games on Kickstarter! Just a reminder, if you have purchase questions on Endangered A Game of Survival: Conservationist Pledge (Kickstarter Special Edition) game, how to buy online at The Game Steward or just need game advice, please contact us at The Game Steward.