Kingdom Death Monster: Frogdog Expansion (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.00
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Frogdog Expansion for Kingdom Death: Monster by Adam Poots. Includes Frogdog Expansion. Requires Kingdom Death: Monster core game to play (sold separately).
1 Frogdog miniature (100mm base)
2 Cess Pond survivor miniatures
2 Pond Scum narrative armor sculpts
2 Frogdog armor narrative sculpts
4 Cesspond board game tiles
120 Game cards
2 Settlement locations
2 Settlement events
1 Sixteen page rulebook
60 Gear cards….and more!
The Frogdog expansion, is filled with a ton of great early campaign content.If you’ve fought your share of white lions, this is an excellent expansion to mix things up. The monster has two armor sets, making it a both a great early game and late game target. Just don’t forget your nose plugs!
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