Zombicide: Invader Kabuki Gang Survivor Pack (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.02
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Kabuki Gang Survivor Pack for Zombicide: Invader. Requires Zombicide: Invader core game to play (sold separately). Includes 6 survivors and ID cards. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The Kabuki Gang is an actual performance troupe that was touring the base when the Xenos attacked. The members of this troupe, most of them with rather shady pasts, didn’t hesitate to pick up arms and face the invaders. Assuming the identity of the characters they were playing in their performance of Yotsuya Kaidan (including traditional wardrobe and masks), these actors scrambled to find whatever they could to help them in their fight. This means this group of Survivors each starts the game with an extra Equipment card, randomly drawn from the pile. The show, as they say, must go on!
Iemon is the capable leader of the gang, being able to direct the others with timely extra actions. When sharing a Zone with others, they all get an extra Ranged action to hold down the line.
Naosuke is an imposing figure with a gentle heart. With his starting skill he is able to pull his fellow survivors to safety. Then, when they’re all in the same Zone, he helps them fight with an extra die for any type of combat.
Oiwa is fierce lady, who likes to get up and close to her target (usually it’s her target audience, though). While in a clustered group, they’re all able to use Ranged weapons in their own Zone, picking their targets and with no chance of hitting each other. Her bloodlust also propels her to the next target, slicing and dicing it at the spot.
Takuetsu is very comfortable around machinery. If he can get his hands on a remote control, he has an extra action to operate either a Bot or Sentry Gun. In a group he fares even better, sharing with all the ability to control any Machine with no need of a remote.
Yomoschichi’s military past gives him great aptitude with firearms. Standing back to back with his troupe mates, they are all able to snipe at the incoming Xenos of their choice. his further skills make him an even more formidable soldier, even allowing him to go full auto with a rifle.
If Samon can organize a search party, the troupe is set. In a group, they are all able to find an extra piece of equipment when searching. He’s also very versatile in his combat skills, as well as easily gaining control of a Bot to do his dirty work.
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